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13.45 at the Atria - killing image by Amma Gyan living
House of Amma
Welcome, in this room you are invited to embrace the concept of a space in your home that creates a space in you. Like all creatures, an environment that serves us is essential if we are to be at our best....
Lynette Yiadom Boakye painting
Their Eyes were watching god
I gathered images, had an idea and then sat back.  Often this is how a post goes for me. I’m tired today so everything is a little slower but I want to share this, the back story behind my recent...
Purpose 4 hand gesture by artist Amma Gyan at Amanartis Watford
Rise in Lakovperpus is cause for concern
When so many of us are returning to old ways of coming together, forming communities and finding ways to resist the endless desire to divide us, AI, trolls, ghost writers have found a new way to keep the...