Don’t ask me a question as if you’re not meaningfully presenting an option. Why ask me for my opinion when actually you’re telling me what you’ve planed to do? Don’t behave as though you like me and you’re being kind, when you don’t and you’re not.
It’s patronising and undermining. Do you think I can’t see what is happening around me before my very eyes, as if I’m not looking straight at you? I watch and see, I listen and study – behaviour.
Disingenuous behaviour, is one I cannot bare.
I once had that moment that you see in films and you cringe over for the pain and awkwardness to follow.
We were a group of “friends” that had decided to spend News Year Eve together in a big house and have dinner, etc. The things is, not all of us were friends of the truest kind and the pretence was bothering me. Refusing to play along, one evening myself and a true friend left the main house for the smaller cottage next door where her baby slept.
Baby monitor, on all good – in the end. You see I left the main house and whilst in the company of people I felt I could be myself with, I couldn’t wait to say just how I really felt and I really went for it like all 23 year olds do, my boyfriend at the time who was dying of shame as the awareness that it was his girlfriend running off her mouth, later got over it because all what I said was true and after returning to the room head held high and addressing each thing I said and calling out each person and the fraudulent friendships, I was met with respect for the honesty and agreement in what was said – there is only one way to handle those situations and thats head on.
Disingenuous behaviour, I hated then I hate it now and that applies to any scenario, friendships, business, politics, corporations.
There are so many areas where this is just how it is – that’s for another post, but one that really irritates me is the behaviour of supermarkets, literally everything they do is disingenuous.
Your data is more important than your spend.
That’s very kind of you to remind to save money a the counter EVERY TIME – how considerate. All that effort gone into showing just how much I could save.
Why would you do that for nothing? Actually why would a super market want to save you money, surely spending less would lose them money, except if the prices they were displaying were lies and the real value came from the data they gathered by you tapping of which they could sell on for more to governments – ahh now that makes more sense.
Find a local shop and pay a little more. That little more has a lot more value in preserving yours and the freedoms of generations to come. It sounds big and it is – ‘every little helps’…

Tap your card to save money or is more like tap your card or we’ll charge you more?
Somehow I think it’s more the latter.