Rooted in gratitude

Gratitude symbol 2023 by Amma Gyan

It’s Tuesday the 7th Jan, I’m in the Chapel. I close my eyes and ask my self -nas is the practice ” what should I do next?”. Gratitude, is what I hear, today is the day to share Gratitude.

The Chapel and I have a wonderful relationship, it’s an exchange of life and inspiration for expression and joy. It’s the place that I feel most connected to divine inspiration and connection which is no surprise given the nature of the building. So last year as I woke from peaceful sleep and was gently meet with the subtle yet powerful peace of gratitude, I knew something had awoken and grown in me. 

Adinkra symbols

At the time, I seemed to be coming across symbols for a world of emotions – still emerging from the aftermath of the haze of COVID, quotes and symbols seemed to be appearing everywhere. 

A desire to connect to what really mattered was the topic, from heritage to love. As I observed this and reflected on my own experience of this time in our lives I thought about in my Ghanaian family and culture’s attitude to gratitude and how it was always expressed in a somewhat meek-ish way, as if to say I know it could be worse so I’ll take my lot and be grateful (there’s truth in this however, hear me out). For me this wasn’t how I experienced the feeling. This expression of thanks I felt kept you in your place and almost made you feel guilty for desire. Going to church, being thankful and grateful always came with an unspoken message of it could be worse which is true however how I experienced it that morning was bigger in the subtlest of ways. You see, I woke up and with that waking I moved my body and took a breath. That very breath was a gift, but that gift wasn’t saying be grateful because it’s your last, that breath said “it’s starts with this and something as simple as this breath can spark so much. So with this breath I’ve got work for you to do in this world so go out there and make your mark until your very last breath because until that moment your work is not done”.

Gratitude symbol in the making original designs and sketches conceived at the Amanartis at the Chapel Watford

Gratitude to me comes with being fired up! Arms stretched out wide ready to receive all that life has to offer in every single moment to the end of your time. I’m reminded that with each breath I can experience yet another blessing for the breath it’s self is a blessing one that can ignite and fan a flame that is the fuel for your hearts desire. It never stops the opportunity for blessings that is – it’s endless and runs through everything we do, it’s the fuel, the love. And no matter how hard things get, as long as we stay rooted in this knowledge, closing our eyes, imaging and believing in what’s in our hearts, that pumps the blood, that shares the breath, we keep ourselves ready to receive and do.

Gratitude Symbol by Amma Gyan of Amanartis and House of Amma

6 thoughts on “Rooted in gratitude”

  1. Meng Keow Bickerton

    Amma, your idea,thoughts and art are inspirational, motivational ,uplifting and healing.
    Someone said that art (in general)could be a new “religion”. Going to the theatre, the studio,museum and art galleries , is like going to a temple.

    You contributed much in art in Watford. Thank you.

    1. Meng Keow, goodness, what powerful words of love and encouragement. It’s all I hope to bring to life.

    1. Mother nurture, I can but write. It’s become a bit of an out pouring. Thank you for reading and responding. xxx

  2. Nana,the word Gratitude has been with we humans since the time of creation. But our attitude towards the Most High is that we can do anything ourselves without the help of God.The blessings that we receive from Him is amazing if we show Him our gratitude. I hope that most people will appreciate it with understanding 🙏

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