
An introduction

They’ve been in my tummy for a while. In my mind forever and appear in nearly every conversation I have with close friends – why don’t you create videos?

I do and I don’t know why I hadn’t as it allows me to get a thought – of which I have many out and down in the moment but it also exposes you in way I wasn’t sure about.

It’s probably the only way in which I’m instant. I used to joke that I’m really bad at Instagram because I’m just not very instant. It appears I can be. 

There are other reasons I haven’t thrown myself into videos and shorts etc on insta and youtube and it’s  because I feel quite strongly about not being part of the Ad model, where it appears everything is going well, you’re getting loads of views until you don’t. Then the suggestion comes in to try ads. First the spend isn’t too much and works and you think great, then suddenly that stops working as until you spend a little more and little more. I feel these social tools are there for us to use them however it feels more and more that they are using us.

Is it really working for us because it feel like a bad relationship – every time you try to leave you’re pulled back in with the thought it might just get better. 

So here I am, you’ll notice I’m on Rumble a different sort of platform – check it out for yourself but for me it felt like a better fit to commit my ‘House of Amma’ vlogs to because this is what this, an introduction into my philosophy and creative way of life that has served me and I hope will serve you too.


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