Above : ‘Right Hand’ Pencil Sketch by Amma Gyan.
in celebration

Our hands, they’re magic – perfectly constructed.
The thumb, essential, part of the team but not like the others.
The leader? May be.
Our hands.
A little while ago I heard an ad that ended on “hands, give them a break”.
You might think, what’s so bad about that? We do do a lot with our hands, maybe they do need a break?
Our hands have created and moulded, formed and held the most significant things, from life to death. Such beauty has come from what we can do with our hands and here is an ad telling us to give them a break and let the machine/the computer the car do the work for you.
Is this what you are really going to promote to sell your product?
This to me is all part of the slippery slope we are on to being made redundant – you don’t need to do that a computer can do that for you. Soon all they’ll tell you you need is your palm and your thumb, that’s all you really need to scroll and order things on your phone – do you remember the kids film Wal-E? Watch it we’re not far.
The things we can do with our hands are remarkable and should be celebrated. We should be encouraged to do more with our hands – see how your hands can turn an idea into a reality – feel the joy and satisfaction that comes from that and be empowered.
Essentially our hands are a channel for expression, one of any that we have. Find yours and see what you can create.