Deep in thought, wondering what next. Me aged 4.
February 2023 was the 20 year anniversary of me embarking on the quest to buck the trend of how to make it in the art, fashion and creative industry.

I decided Learning how to mould leather.

My first Pop Up shop in Beautiful Interiors by Penny Fielding in Walthamstow 2010.
Never one to go with the grain, I realised that some of the decisions I had made meant that I was going to have to take a different route to living the life of an artist.
I was up against it -‘it’ being the hand that generally you needed to be dealt to make it in this industry back then. I was an African migrant, working class, black and a women in the UK.
Being an artist is in my blood, it’s been in my being from as young as I can remember, but having being swayed by my mum with good intention, I was going to have to wing it a bit – only a bit. The bit that came from the supposed, credible endorsement of the reputable establishments… you know what I mean.
So I learned on the go, took a short course at London College of Fashion to learn how to patten cut women’s wear (did it for the credibility! lol) and hustled the rest of the way.
Let’s fast forward a good few years, relationships, marriage, end of marriage, children to now.
Not too much has changed, I still live the life of an artist, my 20 years of commitment to the creative way of being is all the endorsement I require, as I have been endorsed by life and simply being an artist.
New work.

Amma Gyan
‘Unknown Territory’, 2023
Wool and Mixed Media
167 x 37cm